Adding hockey rink boards to your backyard ice hockey rink will make your experience much more enjoyable. If your rink happens to be natural ice in sub-freezing temperatures then your hockey rink boards will save you from chasing after stray pucks that will often be buried deep in snow banks. If you have an all year round synthetic ice rink then you puck could roll away down the street. Either way, having boards will reduce stray pucks from getting away and allow you to focus on playing the game and not chasing pucks.

Without hockey rink boards, if you don’t have someone around without skates on then there is another problem that could arise. What if you have to go onto pavement to get the stray puck, do you take your skates off or do you try to tip toe and risk damaging your skates Taking your skates off would be so inconvenient, I can’t imagine anyone doing that on a regular basis, that means you’ll likely venture off the rink with your skates on. If your rink happens to be indoors in the basement or the garage then boards serve another important purpose, protecting your walls, windows and everything else you own.
Wayman Harten is the Owner & President of Synthetic Ice Solutions; Wayman has over 30 years of technical experience in the plastics Industry and is passionate about providing the best artificial ice rinks and rink boards at very affordable prices. Click on one of the links and read more about synthetic ice or see videos about the product. You can also call us at 855-2-ICE SKATE (855 242-3752) or email us at