Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Below are some of the questions we are often asked. If you have a question for us and don’t see it here please feel free to call us at (905) 453-0314 or email us your question to and we will respond right away.
Question: Who can use your Synthetic Ice product
The whole family! Whether you have a child in minor league hockey or one who is into figure skating it’s a great surface to practice and enjoy skating, even Mom & Dad can use it!
Question: Where can you use your Synthetic Ice product
Any where you have a stable, well prepared flat surface. In your basement, garage, even outdoors in your driveway, on your deck or in your backyard. Wherever you want to set up a Synthetic Ice training or recreation area. Your underlay or sub surface needs to be as flat as possible, it is not recommended to put it down on carpeted surface.
Question: I’ve heard Synthetic Ice is hard to skate on
Some products on the market today do not compare to our Synthetic Ice Solutions ice. Some are like skating on rubber, hard and uncontrollable. Others require “excessive lubricants” constantly, that make it just plain messy. Our product is the latest on the market, it is well tested and it will be sure to deliver years of skating pleasure. Our synthetic ice provides you with about 10-15% more resistance compared to “natural ice”, with this in mind you will be sure to receive the workout you require, not to mention the added speed when you do get back onto “natural ice”.
Question: How Long will the Synthetic Ice Pad Product Last
You should receive about 10 years out of 1 side alone with normal usage. At that point you can flip it over and it is as good as new for another 10 years.
Question: How hard is it to install
All of our Synthetic Ice pads lock together easily with our “True Lock” system making installation a breeze.
Question: How long does it take to install
On a basic area size of 16′ x 32′ it should take about 1-1/2 hours from the time you unpack your panels to the time you are ready to skate. We recommend having the assistance of a second person during installation to cut down on your installation time. With your order you will receive a complete instruction brochure on the installation process.
Question: Are their issues with how the pieces fit together over time
This is an issue with some products on the market today but not with our synthetic ice product. Our “True Lock” system ensures a perfect fit over time. Other products that use spline joints and other connecting systems often have issues due to re-adjustments that would be required to close gaps from expansion and contraction.
Question: How hard is it to maintain and clean the Synthetic Ice surface
Our Synthetic Ice product is very easy to clean and maintain, basic sweeping along with damp mopping will keep your product looking like new. The process is very simple and well documented in the maintenance instructions.
Note: For outdoor installations, we recommend to have your surface covered with a tarp when not in use. This will assist with protecting your investment from air born pollutants such as dust, dirt, pollen, tree sap, bird droppings and leaves. Leaves when they become wet will transfer colours and stain any surface they come in contact with.
Contact Us For A Quote
Every rink is different and we are your best choice to provide a custom fit rink designed specifically for your needs. Contact us today and let us know the details of what you are looking for and we'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have. Fill in the form or call us at (905) 453-0314.