I’d like to tell people about the difference between getting synthetic ice from a big box retailer versus getting it from Synthetic Ice Solutions Of Canada. I was out over the weekend doing some shopping at a Home Improvement store and I see that they are now carrying a synthetic ice product. For this kind of retailer to sell synthetic ice is outside the realm of what they are known for which presents some challenges.
Synthetic ice is the type of investment that you’d probably want to be able to talk to an expert on. I have spent more than 30 years in the plastics industry, this is what I do. There are many technical differences between different types of synthetic ice products being sold today. I take the time and can explain to my customers how to get the most mileage out of their synthetic ice, how it’s installed, what makes one product better or worse than another and so on. When I approached some of the staff for information on the product, they could not offer any more than what was on the packaging.

For more information or a custom quote on getting a synthetic ice rink for your basement, garage, yard or wherever you can put it call us at 855-2 ICE SKATE (855-242-3752) and we’d be happy to answer your questions and provide a quote.