Climate change has made it more and more of a challenge to have a backyard ice rink operational for as much of hockey season as in the past. Here is a plan for how to make your backyard ice rink last as long as you want. Synthetic ice is an option that more and more hockey enthusiasts are going to for many reasons, not the least of which is to combat the negative effects of climate change on outdoor hockey rinks. Synthetic ice isn’t dependant on cold temperatures; in fact you can skate all summer long too. It doesn’t require water or power, once you’ve set up your rink you are ready to go.
Synthetic ice typically comes in 4’ x 4’ panels that can be pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle. All you need is a solid flat surface and you’re in business, you can make a backyard ice rink that lasts for years. Of course wear and tear will vary depending on usage but it’s not uncommon to get 10 years of use on a synthetic ice rink, and then you can flip the panels over and get another 10 years out of the other side. A synthetic ice backyard ice rink allows you to not be at the mercy of Mother Nature.