Figure Skating on Synthetic Ice
Booking ice time can be a challenging thing, especially for an individual figure skater. Prime time slots can be difficult to get because of team hockey practices or games and the expense can be too much for an individual practice.
Imagine having a space in your own home where you could practice your turns, spins, jumps and skating skills! No more fighting for ice time, no more driving to the rink, no more waiting for other skaters to get out of the way.
Competitive figure skaters can get all the time they need whenever they want if a synthetic ice rink was set up right in your own home. A backyard, basement, garage or any flat surface makes for an ideal spot to install your own personal rink. The best part is that weather doesn’t affect the surface of your ice. You can practice all year long inside or out!
Skating on synthetic ice is similar to skating on the real thing. It does add a little extra resistance (10-15% more) than a traditional ice surface, but this resistance can improve skills once returning to natural ice. Figure skaters will notice an increase in strength, endurance and agility once back on real ice.
Choosing the right manufacturer is crucial. Some products on the market are hard, difficult to skate on and require messy lubricants to be effective. Synthetic Ice Solutions has a superior product that has a True Lock system that makes installation a breeze with a perfect fit. You will not experience expansion and contraction issues that other inferior products have. State-of-the-art materials provide superior performance, wear, stability and a longer life. Each panel is custom built so your can create a surface that will fit your space perfectly. There is little maintenance required; an occasional sweep and mop should do the trick!

Contact Us Today!
Fill in the form, or call us at (905) 453-0314 or (855) 242-3752.
Remember, practice makes perfect! With your own private practice facility, you will have a jump on the competition!
Synthetic Ice Solutions is a leader in synthetic ice development with more than 30 years in the plastics industry. We are passionate about providing the best artificial ice rinks at very affordable prices. Call us at (905) 453-0314 or (855) 2-ICE SKATE (855 242-3752) or email us at for more information.